
Showing posts from August, 2022

7 Easy Home Remedies for Acne

Acne isn't always easy to treat and can appear to be a problem in the most untimely of times. The positive side is that over-the counter and prescription medicines can eliminate pimples, and even prevent breakouts that aren't as obvious. The downside is that certain products for acne can trigger side effects, such as irritation, discoloration as well as dryness according to the Mayo Clinic. Because of this, certain people prefer to treat the acne themselves with natural treatments. The less severe an acne is, the easier the treatment can be done at home according to Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of clinical and cosmetic research at dermatology Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. If the condition is more severe however -- particularly those with nodules or cysts the need for professional treatment is often required. If you suffer from mild acne, you may be surprised to know that you have many acne treatments in your home, and in your kitchen , of course. Mix everyday foods a